by Suzanne Gatti | Feb 2, 2022 | General, Heirloom Garment Restoration, Heirloom Garments, HGP Promotions, Uncategorized, Wedding Gown Care, Wedding Gown Cleaning, Wedding Gown Preservation
Find Us, Follow Us on Instagram For $30 Discount So simple!! Throughout the month of February, just Follow Your Heart, Find Us and Follow Us on Instagram @heritagegown and you will receive $30 off your wedding gown cleaning and preservation (minimum purchase of...
by Kathy Wright | Oct 3, 2011 | General, Wedding Gown Care
If your wedding was like my daughter Robyn’s recent wedding, there were many opportunities to get your wedding gown very dirty: the wedding, photos, the reception, etc. We also had a luncheon after the wedding featuring red italian pasta sauce – just...